Monday, June 21, 2021 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Presented by Nathan Shammah, the Unitary Fund

At Unitary Fund we're creating a quantum technology ecosystem faster, better, and to benefit everyone. It’s been a disruptive time in the past year or so and we’ve been amazed by the resilience of the quantum open-source community and the efficiency of Unitary Fund’s operations model. In this talk I'll present some highlights from Unitary Fund activities: We’ve further grown the microgrants program, spurring from software to education and new communities, enabled by an advisory board of 15 amazing volunteers. We created Unitary Fund’s research arm, Unitary Labs, hiring top experts in open-source quantum software. At Unitary Labs we're building Mitiq, the world’s first quantum error mitigation toolkit, compatible with most existing frameworks and already used for multiple research studies. We connect, nurture and help acknowledge talent in the open quantum community, supporting established open-source projects, such as QuTiP.